The Prevalence of Dental Caries in Laos: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Viengsavanh Inthakoun *

Department of Dental Basic Sciences, Faculty of dentistry, University of Health Sciences, Lao PDR.

Maiboun Simalavong

Division of Academic, Faculty of dentistry, University of Health Sciences, Lao PDR.

Phetmany Sihavong

Department of Dental Basic Sciences, Faculty of dentistry, University of Health Sciences, Lao PDR.

Phimfa lee Sayaxang

Department of Dental Basic Sciences, Faculty of dentistry, University of Health Sciences, Lao PDR.

Anhtana Photsavang

Department of Dental Basic Sciences, Faculty of dentistry, University of Health Sciences, Lao PDR.

Chanthanome Mingboupha

Division of Academic, Faculty of dentistry, University of Health Sciences, Lao PDR.

Khanphet Laungamath

Department of Dental Basic Sciences, Faculty of dentistry, University of Health Sciences, Lao PDR.

Vimonlak Bouphavanh

Department of Dental Basic Sciences, Faculty of dentistry, University of Health Sciences, Lao PDR.

Vatthana Latsomphou

Department of Prosthodontic, Faculty of dentistry, University of Health Sciences, Lao PDR.

Viengkham Keohavong

Department of Prosthodontic, Faculty of dentistry, University of Health Sciences, Lao PDR.

Amplaivanh Homsavath

Division of Academic, Faculty of dentistry, University of Health Sciences, Lao PDR.

Fongsamod Daoungnuvong

Department of Restorative, Faculty of dentistry, University of Health Sciences, Lao PDR.

Thongsavanh Vetsuvan

Department of Oral Surgery, Faculty of dentistry, University of Health Sciences, Lao PDR.

Phetlamphay Sidanumon

Division of Academic, Faculty of dentistry, University of Health Sciences, Lao PDR.

Manivone phanthavong

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty of dentistry, University of Health Sciences, Lao PDR.

Hue Vang

Department of Dental Basic Sciences, Faculty of dentistry, University of Health Sciences, Lao PDR.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Background: Dental caries is one of health problem and most common chronic disease among children. The purpose of this systematic review are to determine the prevalence of dental caries in primary teeth, and permanent teeth among 3 to 15 years, between 2002 to 2024 throughout Lao PDR.

Methods: A systematic search of PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Google scholar. search strategy for database  by using key worlds to exact data pertaining to dental caries in Lao population, the studies inclusion criteria manuscripts published in English language from 2002 to May of 2024, the studies  was used the Meta-Essentials version software for  analyzed  separately for primary and permanent teeth and deduced using the random effect model, fixed effect models, which had insignificant heterogeneity and forest plots were used to evaluate caries prevalence in both dentitions.

Result: In total 6212 subjects were included in a meta-analysis from 12 studies. The prevalence estimate of dental caries for primary teeth the mean of decay- missing filled teeth (dmft) index was 5.76 (95%confidence interval (CI):2.55-14.06) with average prevalence 98.3%. For the permanent teeth, the mean DMFT was 1.31 with 95% confidence interval (CI:1.66-4.27) and average was 44.8%.

Conclusion: This result indicates that the prevalence of dental caries in Laos is high, the available data does not provide a complete of dental caries across of Laos. Therefore, research should be focused on the prevalence for more geographical region in Laos.

Keywords: Dental caries, chronic diseases, prevalence, Laos

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Inthakoun, Viengsavanh, Maiboun Simalavong, Phetmany Sihavong, Phimfa lee Sayaxang, Anhtana Photsavang, Chanthanome Mingboupha, Khanphet Laungamath, Vimonlak Bouphavanh, Vatthana Latsomphou, Viengkham Keohavong, Amplaivanh Homsavath, Fongsamod Daoungnuvong, Thongsavanh Vetsuvan, Phetlamphay Sidanumon, Manivone phanthavong, and Hue Vang. 2024. “The Prevalence of Dental Caries in Laos: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis”. Asian Journal of Dental Sciences 7 (1):194-203.


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