Case Report and Review of Pempigus Vulgaris
Published: 2024-06-08
Page: 180-185
Issue: 2024 - Volume 7 [Issue 1]
Valeria Yunuen Rangel Govea
Montrer University, Mexico.
Gabriela Elizabeth Gómez Cárdenas
Faculty of Dentistry of the Michoacana University of San Nicolas de Hidalgo, Mexico.
Cristóbal Landa Román *
Montrer University, Bachelor of Medicine, Mexico.
Francisco Javier Gómez Pamatz
Faculty of Dentistry, Pediatric Dentistry service at the Morelia Children's Hospital, Michoacana University of San Nicolas of Hidalgo, Mexico.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Introduction: Currently the real cause of pemphigus vulgaris is unknown, however, it has been considered a genetic predisposition, associated with certain haplotypes (HLA), such as HLA-DR4 in the Jewish population, and HLA-DR14 and HLA- DR10 in Mexicans.
Objective: To report, and review the literature, in a case of blistering skin and scaly oral lesions consistent with Pemphigus Vulgaris in an 8-year old girl.
Case Presentation: 8-year-old female, presenting with reactive blisters. Physical examination revealed scaly areas, scars in various stages, blisters and bullae on the extremities, abdomen and face.
Conclusions: Interdisciplinary work between doctors and dentists allows the early detection and treatment of systemic pathologies in order to reduce their impact.
Keywords: Pemphigus, mouth, surgery oral, dermatology
How to Cite
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