Auxiliary Sensory Media in Oral Surgery: Reduction of Stress and Anxiety

Elías Pérez Soriano

Mexican Center for Stomatology Campus Morelia, Graduate in Dentistry, Mexico.

Gerardo Nava Rosales

Mexican Center for Stomatology Campus, Morelia, Mexico.

Cristóbal Landa Román *

Mexican Center for Stomatology Campus, Morelia, Mexico.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Objective: Put into practice the use of physical, auditory and visual aids.  In oral surgical care in order to reduce stress and anxiety during consultation and treatment in this specialty.

Materials and Methods: type of study: prospective, cross-sectional, quasi-experimental, mixed, descriptive, observational, risk-free. Definition of the study universe: patients who attend surgical consultation at the Mexican Center for Stomatology, Morelia campus, in the period 2023 – 2024. Sample size: 34 patients who undergo a dental surgical procedure. Definition of observation units: stress and anxiety response to physical, visual and auditory stimuli during the surgical procedure. Inclusion criteria: patients who attend surgical consultation, have an age group of 18 to 45 years of age. Exclusion criteria: patients who attend endodontic, orthodontic and pediatric dentistry consultations, patients under 18 years of age and over 45 years of age. Elimination criteria: patients who abandon the research, patients who do not completely answer the survey.

Results: A total of 36 patients were counted who attended surgical consultation. Auditory, physical and visual means were applied in order to decipher which method allows reducing the patient's state of anxiety at the time of the surgical procedure, and they were applied in the same distribution of 12 (33.3%). The acceptance of the physical environment was the one that presented the greatest state of comfort with 100% of the participants studied.

conclusion: The use of physical, visual and auditory aids; for the management and reduction of stress, anxiety and uncertainty that the patient experiences, from the time they are in the waiting room, during oral surgical care and after treatment, they allow generating a comfortable and calm environment, in addition to carrying out control.

Keywords: Oral surgery, psychological distress, stimuli, music therapy, third molar, anxiety, stress, anxiolytics, emotional intelligence, auxiliaries

How to Cite

Soriano, Elías Pérez, Gerardo Nava Rosales, and Cristóbal Landa Román. 2024. “Auxiliary Sensory Media in Oral Surgery: Reduction of Stress and Anxiety”. Asian Journal of Dental Sciences 7 (1):249-56.