Evaluation of Clinical Outcomes of Various Materials Used for Apexification in South Asia: A Systematic Review

R Jesanth Joel *

Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, CSI College of Dental Sciences and Research, Madurai, Tamil Nadu – 625001, India.

Swathi Priyadharshini

Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Saveetha Dental college, Poonamallee, Chennai – 600077, India.

I Anand Sherwood

Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, CSI College of Dental Sciences and Research, Madurai, Tamil Nadu – 625001, India.

Vaanjay M

Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, CSI College of Dental Sciences and Research, Madurai, Tamil Nadu – 625001, India.

Rathna Piriyanga

CSI College of Dental Sciences and Research, Madurai, 625001, India.

A Azhagu Abirami

Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, CSI College of Dental Sciences and Research, Madurai, Tamil Nadu – 625001, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Background: Endodontic treatment encounters challenges, especially with open tooth apices affected by trauma or pulpal pathology, resulting in divergent or flaring root walls known as "Blunderbuss" or "non-blunderbuss" canals. Conventional root canal procedures for managing open apices have a risk of material extrusion. Notably, there is a lack of documented analysis on materials and methods for apexification in South Asian countries, highlighting a gap in research within the field.

Aim: This paper aims in providing a comprehensive review of various materials and methods utilized in apexification procedures in South Asian countries.

Materials and Methods: This systematic review, from January 2000 to August 2023, employed a thorough computerized search on apexification procedures in South Asian countries. Utilizing keywords, articles from Google Scholar and PubMed databases were examined using Boolean operators. Following inclusion and exclusion criteria the articles were screened and 8 articles were selected, fully read, and analysed in association with the review question.

Results: From the chosen articles, three primary materials—Calcium Hydroxide, MTA, and Biodentine were prominently used in apexification procedures. Notably, Biodentine demonstrated superiority over the other materials, while Calcium Hydroxide was identified as the gold standard for apexification in teeth with shorter roots.

Conclusion: The conducted studies distinctly point Biodentine as a preferred material for apexification in South Asian countries. Nevertheless, further studies have to be made within the region to enhance understanding of apexification procedures and explore newer materials available.

Keywords: Apexification, immature apex, Calcific bridge, biodentine, mineral trioxide aggregate, calcium hydroxide

How to Cite

Joel , R Jesanth, Swathi Priyadharshini, I Anand Sherwood, Vaanjay M, Rathna Piriyanga, and A Azhagu Abirami. 2024. “Evaluation of Clinical Outcomes of Various Materials Used for Apexification in South Asia: A Systematic Review”. Asian Journal of Dental Sciences 7 (1):100-110. https://journalajds.com/index.php/AJDS/article/view/183.


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