Oil Pulling: A Natural Cure to Oral Diseases

Amish Bansal *

Manav Rachna Dental College, India.

Arushi Bhatia

Manav Rachna Dental College, India.

Sumit Bhateja

Manav Rachna Dental College, India.

Sheena Thamman

Manav Rachna Dental College, India.

Geetika Arora

Inderprastha Dental College & Hospital, Manav Rachna Dental College, College in Faridabad, Haryana, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Purpose: To highlight the procedure and importance of oil pulling technique in oral diseases.

Methods: Oil is sipped, swished, pulled and forced all around the oral cavity for 15-20 minutes till it changes it’s viscosity and turns milky white with thin consistency and is spat out.

Results: Oil pulling is an effective therapy for bringing significant improvement in oral health and preventing certain oral diseases.

Conclusion: Oil pulling technique is simple to use and is very cost effective. Incorporating this technique as a component of daily oral hygiene will help to improve oral and general health.

Keywords: Ayurvedic, oil pulling, oral hygiene, sesame oil

How to Cite

Bansal, Amish, Arushi Bhatia, Sumit Bhateja, Sheena Thamman, and Geetika Arora. 2023. “Oil Pulling: A Natural Cure to Oral Diseases”. Asian Journal of Dental Sciences 6 (1):18-23. https://journalajds.com/index.php/AJDS/article/view/125.


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